Our Demands

In September bargaining will begin with VW management. We have a tremendous chance to improve our lives, our plant, and leave a legacy. Sign on here to support winning a strong contract that addresses each of our member demands.

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Most Recent Update

September 20th

Hello brothers & sisters,

This was a big, historic week on our way to raising standards at VW by winning a first contract! We finally sat down with our counterparts from the company and we went around the table, each of us reading an equal portion of our 680 demands. It felt like you were all in the room with us, and in a way you were. These were your words, for your contract, in your union. Our demands can be boiled down to:

  • Accountability and Respect
  • Health & Safety - Work Shouldn’t Hurt
  • Higher Wages
  • Better PTO and Fair Attendance Policies
  • A Secure Retirement
  • Moving Forward Not Backward
  • Affordable Health Care
  • UAW Union Strong Worksite
  • Job Security

The UAW sprung into action when the company made the decision to pause ID.4 production by presenting a plan for all affected employees. This power of having both our unionized workplace and Bargaining Committee encouraged the company to create a solution for affected workers, without layoffs with no compensation or worse, termination. This solution is not perfect, and nowhere near our demands. At the table, we will continue to fight for your demands, and get the very best outcome possible, building a foundation for a UAW Union Strong Worksite.

What's next?

We've divided your demands into subcommittee groups. Each of these groups start meeting next week to dig into the details of your demands, what they mean to all of us and how our demands make positive changes in our workplace for the benefit of all. We deserve representation at work every day. We deserve to know that we will leave work just as healthy as we entered. We deserve the right to be heard by the company when processes are broken.


Rally around our member demands by coming to the next Bargaining Action Team meeting, Wednesday at 3 PM, 8 PM, and 11 PM.

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