Most Recent Update

January 10th

After meeting with Volkswagen today, it is clear that management has made no sincere effort to meet the members’ economic demands.

As a result, Vice President Browning and our elected Bargaining Committee will be asking the membership to take action over the coming weeks to show that we are unified and to put pressure on the company.

When the membership takes action together, we have more power at the bargaining table.

The company’s most recent proposal received on January 10, 2025 is linked here. Although significant progress has been made on non-economic issues, the economic proposals from the company are not acceptable.

The only changes that you will see in the chart are hollow proposals that lack substance or written guarantees, supported only by verbal commitments, that also lack any specifics required in a collective bargaining agreement.

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Additional information regarding our plan and next steps will be forthcoming next week. Our elected UAW Bargaining Committee will continue to meet with Volkswagen management in a genuine effort to reach the agreement mandated by our members.

In solidarity,

Vice President Browning and UAW Bargaining Committee

Our Demands

UAW VW workers are demanding a record contract. Sign on to support winning a strong contract that addresses our member demands.

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